Having A Master Drainage Plan for Your Business Park - Condyne Capital Partners, LLC
Master drainage plans and detention basins are necessary tools for any community to limit the adverse effects of new development and can add benefit and value through increased recreation area and park space.
drainage plan
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Jul 15 2019

Having A Master Drainage Plan for Your Business Park


Master drainage plans and detention basins are necessary tools for any community to limit the adverse effects of new development and can add benefit and value through increased recreation area and park space.

When planning a new business development, it is vital to understand and plan for the flow of water. Proper placement of storm drains, sewers, and the lasting impact a good design can have on the business park, environment, and economy all must be factored in.


Proper drainage can prevent serious erosion, flooding, and other property damage.

Master drainage plans for business parks can help to identify potential long-term problems while outlining a roadmap for future drainage-related activities within new or existing developments.[/vc_column_text]

The drainage planning effort should involve identification of future projects to be implemented based upon development phases or current flood-related concerns, with the primary goal being to utilize this information into development plans that will protect the community and its infrastructure.

Master drainage plans help eliminate or reduce flood risks for property owners and businesses while maintaining safe emergency evacuation routes. By reducing risks for the target community, master drainage planning establishes safe pathways and buffer zones for floodwaters while preventing adverse impacts to downstream or neighboring business complexes and communities.

Understanding the flow of water is key.

Detention basins are an integral part of a master drainage plan. Detention volume is required for any new development in order to reduce the pressure of increased rainfall runoff rates.

Regional detention basins, (basins that serve multiple neighborhoods or communities), are typically part of a master drainage plan and can be used as flood control. The purpose of these basins is to help prevent localized flooding, reduce erosion, and in some cases, provide water quality benefits.

Theis “dual-use” of a water basin offers the benefit of recreational use areas for trails, parks, ball fields, waterfalls, or any combination of these.

Save the community by saving the foundation on which it is being built.

In summary, proper water drainage will undoubtedly prevent serious erosion, flooding, and subsequent property damage. If a business park is not properly drained, water can seep into the core foundation of buildings or structures, causing substantial damage.

A proper master drainage plan is a blueprint for community safety, well being, and sustainability – while providing enhancing services. Condyne Engineering specializes in site design, incorporating presentation drawings, site layout, drainage, utilities, testing for all real estate development projects, and ensure that Green Initiatives are met on a consistent basis.